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RelishQuotes is a hub of inspirational and motivational quotes.

True Story of Kindness : Human Chain Saves Drowning Boy

It was a bright, sunshine-filled sunny day. Fun sounds, surfboards, colored umbrellas and sunbathing people on the beach. It was as picturesque as it could get at a beautiful beach in Napier, New Zealand. Innocent and fun loving twelve-year-old Josh McQuoid was in the water splashing and cheering in knee length waves with his friends. […]

Diwali Celebrations : Do You Know How Sikhs Celebrate Diwali?

Diwali-the festival of light, mirth, happiness and joyousness. It brings an air of festivities, new clothes, lamps and lanterns, sweets and many other things that add to the fervour of the occasion. India being the multi-cultural land it is, peaceful co-existence of all religions brings about an extremely vibrant array of festivals that the entire […]

Delightful Diwali : 4 Stories that We Bet You Didn’t Know!

Diwali is here and along with it is fun, cheer, shiny and glittery crackers, boxes filled with gold and silver sweets to relish, shopping sprees, colourful lanterns adorning the markets and fashionable clothes out for sale. But is the festival of Diwali all about just fun, food, shopping and happy family moments? The most quintessential […]

Short Motivational Story- The Fruits of Honesty

Always a topper in school, my 7 years old son is entering the IInd grade in school this year. A few days back I received my salary from work and hence I decided to get my little boy new uniform and brand new shoes for the new academic year. We both father- son went to […]