“Whenever you are in a position to help someone, just do it and be glad. Because God is answering someone’s prayers through you!” – Spiritual Quote

What this Spiritual Quote teaches us?

When it comes to guiding your conscience towards making a choice between the right and the wrong, it is Spiritual Quotes that work as a guiding lamp.

These words give us the wisdom of helping out others around you. You should always help the people that surround you, and you should do it with a smile on your face. Have a genuine heart and a giving hand, when God puts you in a situation that calls for support and help. The reason and motive behind helping others is the one that we should understand.

Take a step forward and help others in difficult times, because you it is God’s plan and will for you to do so. You are meant to be the medium and the route through which he wishes to answer the prayers of a yearning heart. There is a specific reason that you are considered worthy to help out others. It happens so, because in God’s eyes, you are capable of rendering service to the needy.

When crisis situation hits, never ever miss out the opportunity of providing any sort of aid and help to those who are in dire need of it. God is the ultimate ruler of the world, and it is He who decides and plans to place you and make you available in that scenario, where help is needed the most.

When people in trouble pray, God listens and decides who is the one; capable of helping them. It is God who makes and takes the Ultimate move of placing you in a position, where you become the reply to a sincere prayer. When a person prays, he seeks God’s blessings, he asks for power and intelligence to solve the crisis of his life. It is then and there when you become God’s helping angel, in disguise.

Always, be readily and genuinely available for helping others, according to The Almighty, because you never know, you might be an answer to a soft heart’s prayer.

Help QuoteInspirational QuoteLife QuoteQuote about GodSpiritual Quote
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