Inspirational Quote about Dream and Success

What does this Inspirational Quote teaches us?

Sometimes an Inspirational Quote like this one by Colin Powell works its magic on a demoralized soul to get up and run towards realizing and living up a dream.

There is no point in uselessly complicating things up. Making your dreams come true requires no rocket science. Being sensible would show, in accepting and acknowledging the fact that there is no alternative to hard work. There road is uphill and until and unless you are not determined to rub and ruin yourself, success will seem distant and unachievable.

You need to prepare yourself on every level, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually to fight against all odds. Nothing is going to be served to you in a silver platter. There are no shortcuts reaching the zenith of success. The ultimate agenda to attack and achieve and realize a dream lies in working with extreme levels of determination, dedication and devotion.

You need to eat sleep and breathe your dream. It should be the only thing on your mind. You need to burn the midnight oil and invest each and every single drop of blood, toil, tears and sweat into devising a plan that synchronizes flawlessly with your dream.

Aim to become an exemplary in your ways of working. You need to use the eye of an eagle to significantly keep a watch as to where and in what manner are you deviating from your plan. There should be absolutely no escope for any kind of loopholes in your efforts or planning. Form the appropriate strategies that work within the frame of ethics and principles.

There needs to be an impeccability of the highest merit in the way you perform. Keeping achievable targets is extremely important as unrealized goals, take a fraction of a second to get your morale drooping. There is no choice, but hard work to be used as a key to open doors of long term success.

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