Article Related to Tag - "Best Quotes"

“A day without sunshine is like, you know, night!”

“A Smile is the universal welcome.”

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the Heart.”

“The Heart of a Mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find Forgiveness.”

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

“God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”

“What does Love look like? It has the Hands to help others. It has the Feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has Eyes to see misery and want. It has the Ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.”

“Pray, and let God worry. “

“My MOM is definitely my ROCK.”

“I’m trying to think how I can think of what I want to think.”