Life and Love Quote

What does this Love Quote tells us?

The power of this Love Quote is that with the help of a few words, your lost trust over goodness, comes back! Love is one feeling that even words fall short of describing it. It is one feeling that enters into our life attached with another person. It is one feeling and emotion that embraces all others under its umbrella.

With love comes along happiness, mirth, a smile, trust, affection, warmth and comfort that you experience in the company of someone special. And along with it comes a little bit of pain, hurt, and tears as a part and parcel of the package.

No matter where and how you walk on earth, Love finds you. If you are meant to be with someone, in a particular situation at a specific place, no matter how much you detest or remain ignorant about it, it will happen. Whether you hide from it, avoid it love will come and embrace you.

It is this feeling of Love that brings a long a cosy and fuzzy feeling of warmth along with it. When every single action and deed that you do directly or indirectly connects you with the other person whom you love, it is the feeling of Love that is working. There is absolutely no need for you to worry or be anxious regarding the whereabouts of the person who is destined to fall in love with you.

Love is a feeling that your heart experiences and the entire universe conspires to find you and help your heart undergo the transformation. Love enriches your emotions, strengthens you and brings a strange feeling inside your heart that assures you of everything being right. Wherever you are, Love will come and catch you. Being in love, makes life worthwhile and even more special.

Love will find you and rest assured it is one experience that will give you the chance of having a tryst with destiny.

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