Short Motivational Story – The Fruits of Honesty…
Always a topper in school, my 7 years old son is entering the IInd grade in school this year. A few days back I received my salary from work and hence I decided to get my little boy new uniform and brand new shoes for the new academic year.
We both father- son went to the market, but my son strictly refused to buy new shoes. He said to me “Dad! My shoes just need a little bit of repairing from the cobbler, and they will be as good as new to go through the year! Instead, with the money you have for my shoes, why don’t we buy a pair of new spectacles for Grandpa! He is using those old broken ones. Isn’t that a good idea?
I thought may be the grandson loves his grandfather so much, so he is concerned about his needs. I did not feel the need to say anything and so I took my son to buy his uniform.
After reaching the store to buy his uniform, the store keeper gave the school shirt of the perfect size that matched and fit my son appropriately, yet he insisted to buy a shirt that was one size larger to him.
I told my son “This shirt is not fitting you, my son, buy the one that fits you. Why do you want the longer one??”
My son replied “Dad, Anyways I have to tuck my shirt inside my pants, at school. No one is going to see the length as it will hide, but I can use the same shirt the next year for school. The shirt you bought for me last year is still new but does not fit me. Isn’t it a waste??
I kept silent.
While, on our way back home, I asked my son- “So who teaches you all these wise and mature things to talk about?”
My son replied, “Dad, I often see Mom wear those same old, regular, simple, non-fashionable clothes or I see you instead of buying a pair of shoes for yourself, you end up spending that money on my books, and my clothes. Our neighborhood swears by your honesty and sincerity. While on the other hand, our neighbors, my friend Daniel’s Father is a thief, greedy for bribes and money from everywhere and a famous thief, whereas you and mother, both go to the office to work.”
“When everyone in the neighborhood talks good about how honest, simple and dedicated you both are, I feel proud to have you both as my parents.”
“Even grandma and grandpa are all praises for you. Whether I get my new books and new shoes or not, I do not want anybody to call my parents thieves, ill-mannered and dishonest people.”
“I am your son. I want to be your strength, not your weakness”
My little boy’s words left me awestruck and speechless. At such a tender age, he carried such high thoughts.
Today, for the first time in my life I was rewarded for my honesty and sincerity.
I had tears in my eyes and a smile on my face…..
Children learn more from what you are than what you teach them to be….